Boundary Queen

From Anxious ‘Nice’ Girl to Confident Queen

A group coaching program for overwhelmed, empathic women who are ready to stop abandoning themselves for the sake of pleasing and productivity, and instead start saying ‘no’ without guilt.

You want to impress your boss, build your business, and be both loving and generous towards your friends, family, and your romantic partner…

but girl, you are TIRED.


  • Working long hours, answering emails late at night, and worrying what your boss will say if you actually said ‘no’ to the next project on your desk.

  • You are being the therapist with your friends constantly doing the emotional labour and coming home feeling drained from your interactions.

  • Lowering your rates because potential clients said your services are too expensive…which just leaves you feeling overworked and under appreciated. 

  • The constant pressure to prove yourself makes you feel like you’re never good enough and constantly chasing that approval.

You know you need to put yourself first and you’re trying….

  • You go to yoga to manage your stress, but your thoughts about that nightmare client won’t stop racing in savasana.

  • You’ve tried to put your boundaries up and tell your parents not to give you unsolicited advice about what to do with your career, your relationship and where you should go on holiday, but it turns into a big fight that you end up apologizing for.

  • You’ve tried going to therapy to understand why you’re such a people-pleaser…but you still feel anxious at the thought of any confrontation.

  • You plan to give yourself a much needed night of rest and self-care, but then your partner asks you to go out to dinner so you drop your plans.

Boundary Queen will show you exactly how to…

  • Listen to your body to clearly discover what your boundaries actually are, and what your ‘yes’ and ‘no’ feels like in the moment.

  • Calm your nervous system and boost your belief that you are allowed to say ‘no’ and put yourself first without guilt or shame.

  • Communicate your boundaries clearly and kindly with personalised scripts you can use for your own situations.

  • Put boundaries around your time, energy and the amount of tasks you need to complete in a day, you get to step away from the endless rat race and start enjoying the time and money you’ve worked so hard for! 

  • Connect to your body and build trust in your own intuition, you’ll be able to follow through with your boundaries instead of sliding back into pleasing patterns.

  • Start saying ‘no’ to your boss and your inner achiever, you’ll  actually be able to *slam your laptop shut* until Monday, no longer worrying about work, clients or deadlines.

As soon as you:

As you set your eye on bigger career goals, attract men who respect your worth, build a business that helps you earn more by working less, your boundaries need the same uplevel.

It’s about setting boundaries that are going to take you from a ‘she’s nice girl’ to ‘look at that confident queen!’

  • Connect to your body and hear clear guidance into what is a ‘yes’, what is a ‘no’ and what is a ‘stay the hell away from me’ so you can make the right decision for you without constantly second-guessing yourself.

  • Somatic and mindset techniques such as tapping, embodiment practice, and nervous system regulation to boost your confidence and free yourself from guilt

  • Personalized scripts on what to say to set your boundaries with your boss, your partner and your parents, so that you sound calm, clear and with no room for push-back.

Boundary Queen will show you how to

Week 1: Setting Body-led Boundaries

You’ll learn how to listen to your body for what your boundaries are, and what a ‘yes’ and ‘no’ feels like in the moment so you won’t have to second-guess yourself again.

Week 2: Uncovering the Fears Holding You Back

We’ll tap into the fears holding you back from speaking up and learn how to self-soothe during confrontation so you stay calm and confident.

Week 3: Breaking Free From People-Pleasing

We will break free from your need to please by connecting to your inner sacred rage. A powerful embodiment journey will allow you to express and release feelings of self-betrayal.

Week 4: Practicing Boundary Scripts

We’ll look at practical examples and scripts to express your boundaries with ease and confidence. We’ll look at how to use non-violent communication to minimise any kind of negative push-back.

Week 5: Managing Push-Back on Your Boundaries

We’ll look at how to work with your fear of rejection and how to manage push-back and negative responses to your boundaries. We’ll do practices to keep you sticking to your boundaries no matter how people respond.

Week 6: Saying ‘No’ with Confidence

We’ll somatic practices that will help boost your confidence in your right to say ‘no’ and speak up for yourself. You’ll feel so much more confident.

What to expect

  • 6x 60 min online group sessions that will guide you through a transformation that combines mindset and embodiment work so make you feel calm and confident.

  • Hot Seat Coaching getting personalised support from me so that you can see your boundary blindspots, get to the root cause of them and release the fear of saying ‘no’.

  • A Community platform of like-minded, supportive women to share your process with and cheer each other on. Spaces are limited so that everyone gets equal support and attention.

  • Human Design Insights into your chart to help you make aligned decisions with ease and see where you need to set boundaries to protect your energy. 

  • Embodiment practices and journaling reflections to help you integrate lasting change into your life so that you can avoid burnout and make clear decisions for yourself that are not influenced by others.



If you are ready to move past:

  • Being afraid of upsetting others and being judged for your refusal to evenly split the group bill since you don’t drink alcohol.

  • Feeling guilty for putting yourself first and needing approval from other people.

  • Saying yes to commitments that don’t actually sound fun, interesting or appealing in any way.

…then you’re ready to experience:

  • Having confidence in your decisions to prioritize your own wellbeing, rather than always being the 'flexible' person who has to adjust to others.

  • Looking after yourself first so that you can give your best to your career and your loved ones

  • Listening to your body’s boundaries in the moment and knowing how to calmly and clearly communicate them without any fuss. 

Boundary Queen is for you.

I am going to share the exact strategies that show you that:

  • You DON’T have to change your whole personality to have boundaries. Your boundaries will make you MORE loving and successful, not mean and alone  like you’re afraid they will.

  • You DON’T have to start arguments with people to set a boundary. You can express them in a way that doesn’t open room for persuasion or manipulation.

  • You DON’T have to sacrifice your wellbeing to have a successful career or fulfilling relationships.

Why I created this for you:

I I used to believe that the more I did, the better my life would be.

When I experienced a devastating Burnout in 2017, I thought it was because I over-gave and did too much. But the truth was, I burnt out because I didn’t feel good enough.

Burnout forced me to look at the root of all my problems: my relationship with myself. 

Since learning to love myself I have healed from a devastating rock-bottom burnout (seriously, I lost everything), followed my purpose, and cultivated genuine and deeply loving friendships with women who celebrate my ‘no’. I feel calmer, have more energy, and a healthy work/life balance with more freedom, happiness and time to enjoy life.

Not only that, I genuinely feel confident and with healthy, loving, fun and supportive relationships in my life.

You’ve been sacrificing your health and happiness for far too long. It’s time to say ‘No’.


Can you guarantee specific results?

I believe deeply in the spiritual and practical principles I teach and their power to completely revolutionise your life. But the work is ultimately up to you. I can’t do it for you, yet I am absolutely here to guide and support you in the best way I can. I believe in your ability to create the life your heart desires, but you are responsible for your transformation.

Do you offer refunds?

There are no refunds on coaching services. I am here to coach you to your highest level of success, and part of that is requiring a 100% commitment from you that you are fully invested in your coaching package. If you are not completely satisfied with your investment and are on a payment plan, you may request to stop future payments.

I’m already so busy, will I have time for this?

The point of this program is to give you the tools and confidence to create more free time! We will have weekly group calls (with replays available) and the option for homework if you wish to go deeper. The more you commit to yourself, the more you will get out of this experience.