05. Breaking Free from People-Pleasing: Setting Boundaries & Reclaiming Self-Worth

If you’ve ever struggled with saying no, constantly putting others first, or feeling anxious about how people see you, this one’s for you.

Today we’re diving deep into the heart of people-pleasing, why so many empathic, hardworking women fall into this trap, and the toll it can take on your energy, confidence, and relationships.

But more importantly, we’ll talk about how to break the cycle—how to set healthy boundaries, prioritize your needs, and reclaim your sense of self.

In this episode I talk about:

  • Why So Many Women Struggle with People-Pleasing: What I call the "Nice Girl" Syndrome—and why it's so common among empathic, hardworking women.

  • Recognizing the Signs of People-Pleasing: From constant apologies to the inability to say "no," we'll identify the telltale behaviors that keep you stuck in this pattern.

  • How to Start Setting Boundaries: Discover how to tune into your own needs, why they matter, and how establishing healthy boundaries can transform your life.

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Episode Credits
Music: Dawn by Sappheiros @sappheirosmusic


06. Self-Worth and the Energetics of Money with Manpreet from Heart's Happiness


04. Leaving Your Comfort Zone: How to Thrive in the Unknown