A powerful 1:1 session to help sensitive, ambitious women become the women they want to be without burning out.

Success Without Stress Session

Everyone is talking about becoming your best self…

…but no one talks about the burnout that comes from pushing yourself too hard in favour of discipline.

You’re ambitious and you want to achieve your goals…so why not achieve them in the easiest and fastest  way possible?

You don’t have to sacrifice your health, wellbeing and mental state to make your dreams happen. By honouring both your sensitivity and your ambition, you’ll be guided toward sustainable success without compromising your well-being.

Do you often feel drained at the end of the day?

If you are done with:

  • Working all the hours and having no time for the things you enjoy.

  • Feeling like you’re constantly on a short fuse as soon as things don’t go as planned.

  • Wanting to get up to start your early morning routine but never managing to get out of bed in time.

  • Second-guessing yourself, saying yes to work commitments, clients, friendships where they are always asking something of you. 

  • Wanting to leave your soul-sucking job, but you have no idea what your purpose is.

  • Doubting you have what it takes to achieve what you want.

What is a Success Without Stress session?

This personalised 60-minute coaching session to begin aligning your energy based on your unique Human Design and designed to help you break free from overwhelm and step into clarity and balance so you can thrive both personally and professionally. 

What you can expect:

  • A deeper understanding of how to align to your Human Design chart to work smarter, not harder, and achieve results without burnout.

  • Learning how to protect your energy through simple practices so you have energy at the end of your day for hobbies you enjoy and people you love.

  • Discovering how to use your body to make difficult decisions with ease, and how to say ‘no’ without guilt.

  • Feeling empowered to succeed with somatic practices like EFT that brings you back to your authentic confidence.

  • What your next steps are to keep moving forward.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a powerful framework that combines principles of the Chinese I Ching, Astrology, the Kabbalah, and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra System that shows how you are wired to make decisions, be successful, and work with others.

Reading about your chart online is fine. But without understanding how to IMPLEMENT this information into your life, nothing will change.

That is why this 90 minute session is so focused on how to practically implement this information into your lifestyle so that you can use your energy to create positive momentum in your career, in your relationships and in your emotional wellbeing.

Choose Your Session

1:1 Session

  • 60 minute personalised guidance;

  • Insight into your Human Design Chart and how to use this energy in your life;

  • Guided somatic practices (where applicable) to help you release your doubt, worry and overwhelm.

VIP Session

  • 90 minute personalised guidance;

  • Insight into your Human Design Chart and how to use this energy in your life;

  • Guided somatic practices (where applicable) to help you release your doubt, worry and overwhelm;

  • BONUS: 30+ page Energetic Blueprint PDF all about your own personal Human Design Chart;

  • BONUS: Astrological Insight for your life purpose and direction.

Why I made this for you

You are meant to live life your way – as the fulfilling masterpiece it was always meant to be.

In my late twenties, I was a FOMO-driven, people-pleasing, perfectionist who constantly pushed herself in every area of her life trying to be successful. I pushed through my body’s warning signs until I finally collapsed into a devastating burnout that lasted two years.

I lost everything I had worked so hard for, and it was the greatest blessing.

Burnout was a massive reset and a chance to reassess my entire life. Through my healing process I focused on building a relationship with my body: understanding how my unique energy worked, what my soul truly craved, and that loving myself unconditionally was the answer to everything.

Since then I have helped hundreds of women build a relationship with their bodies to honour what they feel, hear their inner guidance, and live a more confident and expansive life. And I’m here to help you do the same.